Rob Ashby
The Spanish Obsessive
In this final chapter of our guide to the Spanish subjunctive, we present 33 common Spanish subjunctive phrases, which you will frequently hear and use. We suggest you memorise these – even if you don’t understand why the subjunctive is used – as it will help you to internalise the grammar and become more fluent with using the Spanish subjunctive.
Chapters in this guide:
- What is the subjunctive? A brief introduction
- Spanish subjunctive conjugations: Verb forms and quiz
- Spanish subjunctive uses and meanings
- Deep dive 1: Noun clauses
- Deep dive 2: Adjective clauses
- Deep dive 3: Additional uses
- 33 Spanish subjunctive phrases to memorise now (this chapter)
A little bit about these phrases
We didn’t just invent these phrases. We’ve extracted the most common uses of the subjunctive from native speakers using a “corpus” (enormous body of native Spanish text), so we are sure that these are absolutely the most useful Spanish subjunctive phrases to memorise. Enjoy!
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Phrases with sea
Seacomes from the verbser, “to be”. It’s an extremely common verb, and is the most common Spanish verb that you’ll find in the subjunctive:
O sea…That is…
We’ve started with the most common expression that you’ll hear.O seameans “that is”, “in other words”, “or rather”, “that is to say”. You’ll hear it all the time, almost as a verbal tic among native Spanish speakers across the Spanish speaking world.
Sea como sea –No matter how, at any cost
Cuando sea –Whenever
Ya sea por x o y – whether it be for x or y
You can use ya sea por to mean “whether”, and this usually comes with an “or”, for example:ya sea por motivos de trabajo o diversión(“whether it be for reasons of work or fun”)
Phrases with aunquesea
Aunquemeans “although”, andaunque seais one of the most common constructions you’ll hear. Learn these phrases usingaunque seato build fluency in your conversation:
Aunque sea poco –Although it’s a little/not much
Aunque sea difícil –Although it’s difficult
Aunque sea pequeño –Although it’s small
Aunque sea duro –Although it’s difficult/tough
Phrases withojalá
Ojalástands out as a Spanish word, and itisalways followed by the subjunctive. The history of this little word is fascinating – it’s originally from the ArabicInsha’Allah!, meaning “If God wills”. Today it’s used to mean “I hope”, or “may it be so”. Here are some of the most common phrases usingojalá:
Ojalá sea pronto – I hope it is soon
Ojalá puedas ayudarme – I hope you can help me
Ojalá hubiera más – I wish there were more
Ojalá llegue – I hope he/she/it arrives
Ojalá que
Although purists sometimes argue thatojalá queis incorrect, in everday Spanish it is used all the time. Here are some phrases usingojalá que:
Ojalá que salga bien –I hope it turns out ok
Ojalá que haya sido… –I hope it’s been…
And while we’re at it, there’s a song called “Ojalá que llueva café”(“I hope it rains coffee”):
Phrases with cuando
Cuandois often used with the subjunctive. It’s usually used with a verb to refer to some future action or event which is not yet a reality (hence the use of the subjunctive):
Cuando sea necesario– When it’s necessary
Cuando esté hecho– When it’s done
Cuando esté conmigo– When it/he/she is with me
Cuando tengas tiempo – When you have time
Cuando venga – When he/she/it arrives
Cuando salga– When he/she it leaves
Phrases with quiero que
Quiero que (I want) almost always takes the subjunctive, as it refers to the imposition of will or desire. These very common short phrases illustrate that perfectly:
Quiero que sepas – I want you to know
Quiero que vuelva– I want him/her/it to return
Phrases with para que
Para que means “so that”, and is often used with the subjunctive:
Para que veas– So that you see
Para que funcione – So that it works
Para que sepas– So that you know
Impersonal expressions with the Spanish subjunctive
An impersonal expression simply means that no personal pronoun (ie,yo, tú, usted, etc)is used. These take the form “es ADJECTIVE que”, and are often followed by the subjunctive. Note that when you are sure about the result of something, or affirming the reality of something, the indicative is used (e.g.Es cierto que sabe):
Es posible que haya…– It’s possible that there is…
Es probable que sea– It’s probable that it’s…
Es importante que sepas – It’s important that you know
Es posible que exista– It’s possible that it exists
These are some of the most common and popular expressions that you’ll hear using the Spanish subjunctive, and will help you build mastery of this “mood”. Are there any common expressions that you use? Let us know in the comments below!
muy útil! muchas gracias
Brilliant teaching! Just what I was looking for. A clear, logical, step-by-step introduction to a subject that seemed overwhelming to me.
Thank you!!!Reply
Thank you for helping me understand how and when to use the subjunctive. I have been studying Spanish for over 3 years and still struggle with the Subjunctive mood. Poco a Poco!! Thanks again!
Thank you. Fantastic and great way of mastering Subjunctive
Fantastic clarity for a change! Many thanks
This is a really great source for helping to master the subjuntive. Thank you!
Extremely helpful for my A level Spanish speaking exam! Muchas gracias:)
I echo these comments! Utterly helpful, and crystal clear! Muchas gracias…
This is a great tool, but doesn’t download in a form that is very useful on a Mac. A .pdf would be better! 🙂
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muy útil! muchas gracias
Brilliant teaching! Just what I was looking for. A clear, logical, step-by-step introduction to a subject that seemed overwhelming to me.
Thank you!!!Reply
Thank you for helping me understand how and when to use the subjunctive. I have been studying Spanish for over 3 years and still struggle with the Subjunctive mood. Poco a Poco!! Thanks again!
Thank you. Fantastic and great way of mastering Subjunctive
Fantastic clarity for a change! Many thanks
This is a really great source for helping to master the subjuntive. Thank you!
Extremely helpful for my A level Spanish speaking exam! Muchas gracias:)
I echo these comments! Utterly helpful, and crystal clear! Muchas gracias…
This is a great tool, but doesn’t download in a form that is very useful on a Mac. A .pdf would be better! 🙂